Our Story
Due to the severely limited number of local Chiropractors in the Philippines, Intercare and PCCHP created an international externship program where students from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, Australia (RMIT) and the International Medical University, Malaysia (IMU) in Malaysia could come into the country to service medical missions.
To date, there have been 5 years of Chiropractic missions, with 76 interns who participated and 4,726 patients served.
PCCHP aims to broaden its reach and integrate itself into a true community health project. The intent is to integrate chiropractic into the primary levels—health centers, clinics, health posts, and community centers—as well as TAMA centers of excellence of the Department of Health retained hospitals. This can only happen with sufficient manpower that is educated and organized with the goal of sustainability.
The idea is to award academic scholarships in all four programs of Camara Institute for Chiropractic Sciences (CICS) to worthy individuals from different areas of the Philippines in exchange for service agreements with communities where PCCHP has partner organizations serving the marginalized sector of the country.
Our Mission
Provide high-quality specialty educational programs for chiropractic as well as continuing education opportunities.
Empower healthcare workers to become more effective at preventing and dealing with Neuro-musculoskeletal problems in their community.
To lessen the burden of Low Back Pain and Musculoskeletal Problems in the Philippines
Our Vision
Global and Local demand

1 in 3
in the world could
benefit from

LOW-BACK PAIN is a pressing problem in the Philippines. It’s the number one cause of years lived with disability in the Philippines and has been that way for the last 20 years.

Rehab 2030 Initiative seeks to identify technologies that are helpful for people who are suffering( afflicted). There is an acute need for trained manpower to service the growing global and local needs in the natural, drugless, and non-surgical spheres.

Our Vision
Every Filipino Deserves Access to
Chiropractic Care

Our Mission
- To lessen the burden of Low Back Pain and neuromusculoskeletal problems in the Philippines to improve Health Outcomes
- To improve health and well-being for all

Our Mission
To lessen the burden of Low Back Pain and neuromusculoskeletal problems in the Philippines to improve Health Outcomes

Our Vision
All Filipinos Deserves Access to Chiropractic Care
Our People - Board of Advisors

Manuel M. Dayrit, MD. MSc
Dr. Dayrit was Secretary of Health of the Philippines from 2001-2005. He worked with the World Health Organization, Geneva from 2005-2012 as HR director for Health before returning to the Philippines to serve as the second Dean of the Ateneo Medical School. He is an expert in Public Health, publishing peer-reviewed articles on primary health care and self-care.

Gerardo D. Legaspi, MD, FAFN
Dr. Legaspi has been in active practice and teaching in neurosurgery for 25 years. He is also the longest-serving director of the University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital (UP-PGH ) where he is currently serving his third term. UP-PGH is the country’s foremost training ground for our brightest physicians who possess a heightened social consciousness. They commit themselves to excellence and leadership in community medicine.

Donald McDowall, PhD, DC
Dr. McDowall is an adjunct faculty of health at Southern Cross University Gold Coast Campus. His peer-reviewed publication on Neurological Tone as a unique health concept founded by DD Palmer is an important paper for the Chiropractic Profession. He has traveled extensively in the Philippines exploring the role played by health workers for their respective communities.

Dein Vindigni, OAM, BAppSc, MaMedSc, PhD
Dr. Vindigni is the former Dean of the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology’s Chiropractic Program. He has a long record of service to the marginalized populations in South East Asian Countries. He has worked with training programs for Community Health Workers in Timor Leste and the Philippines.
In 2007 he was awarded an Order of Australia Medal for service to people living with disadvantage.

Martin Camara, DC, ICSC, PhD (cand)
Dr. Camara is the CEO of Intercare Chiropractic Centers Inc. and its multidisciplinary health care centers. He is recognized as a leader in the chiropractic profession in the Philippines and internationally. He currently serves as a board member of the Philippine Institute of Traditional and Alternative Healthcare, Department of Health, Chairman of the National Certification Committee on Chiropractic, and the President of the Association of Professional Chiropractors of the Philippines.